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Signing a Contract

Insurance Claim

Claims to Insurance Companies

We now provide direct billing through TELUS Health. TELUS Health’s eClaims solution allows us to submit claims on your behalf immediately after the service has been provided.

Please be prepared to pay for your visits if your insurance provider will not cover your treatments. We are unable to provide you with a credit to be paid for at a later date.

Per MTAA regulations, receipts cannot be issued:

Please note that direct billing for some insurance plans may not be available on weekends.

  • We will gladly predetermine your coverage before your service. Please call 780-757-3452 for assistance in this matter.

Insurance Company

We categorize them to 2 (two) section
Manual Claim Submission and Direct Billing Claim Submission] to make it easier for the client to understand.
Direct Billing - client can process the claim directly using the health insurance.

 Manual Submission - which mean client has to pay forward and process a claim to their insurance company to get reimburse.

Below are the list of insurance company we work with.
Some Insurance company only allow Manual Claim Submission

Document with Pen

Manual Claim Submission

Medavie blue cross.png

Medavie Blue Cross

Pacific blue cross.png

Pacific Blue Cross

canada life.png

Canada Life

RWAM Logo.png

RWAM Insurance Administrators INC

*Only Capilano Location offer Direct Billing

Direct Billing Claim Submission

alberta bluecross.png

Alberta Blue Cross

asebp logo.png

Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan

Empire life Logo.png

Empire Life

Green Sheild Canada.png

Green Shield Canada

Medic Construction.png

MÉDIC Construction


SSQ Insurance
(Les Services de Santé du Québec)


Benefit Plan Administrators Group


Canadian Construction Worker Union


Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan




ClaimSecure INC


Cowan Insurance Group


D.A. Townley


Desjardins Insurance

first canadian.png

First Canadian Insurance

GMS 49 and 50.png

GMS 49

GMS 49 and 50.png

GMS 50


Group Health


Group Source

iA financial group.png

iA Financial Group

Johnson Inc.png

Johnson Inc.

Johnston Group.png

Johnston Group Inc.

LiUNA Local 183.png

LiUNA Local 183

LiUNA Local 506.png

LiUNA Local 506





Maximum Benefit.png

Maximum Benefit

People Corporation.png

People Corporation


Sun Life


TELUS Health - AdjudiCare

Union BEnefits.png

Union Benefits

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