Craniosacral Therapy, also known as Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST), involves a series of gentle massages aimed at relieving compression in the bones of the head, the sacrum, and the spinal column. Relieving these compressions reduces stress on the said areas and can release emotional and physical stress, soothing any pain in the process.
Massage therapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths use CST to treat and improve several physical and mental disorders, from migraines and headaches to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have also found evidence that CST is useful for relieving fibromyalgia symptoms, a disorder that involves widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep, and memory issues.
Meanwhile, anecdotal evidence also suggests that CST may be effective in at least improving the condition of people suffering from the following:
- Scoliosis;
- Chronic Neck and Back Pain;
- Constipation;
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
- Colic, in infants; and
- Trauma recovery.
Does Craniosacral Therapy have any side effects?
As a non-invasive procedure, CST has no known side effects on most people, besides the possibility of discomfort if the patient is not used to being in physical contact with health professionals. With the right therapist, the discomfort usually fades as soon as the session starts.
However, people with specific preexisting conditions such as bleeding disorders, diagnosed aneurysm, and history of skull fractures or cranial bleeding should not be subjected to CST or should at least get medical clearance before booking an appointment.
What should I expect when I book an appointment for CST?
As mentioned above, CST is a non-invasive procedure that requires little to no preparation for both you and the therapist. That being said, not just everyone who claims to be a massage therapist can perform it. Try to ensure that your therapist has completed coursework and training from a reputable institution before you proceed,
When you book an appointment for CST, your therapist will typically ask for details regarding your condition. The session will typically last anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. Depending on your situation, your therapist may recommend that you go back for a few more sessions for good measure.
During the session, your therapist may ask you to lie down on your back on the massage table. The therapist will also gently hold your feet, head, or sacrum to determine if you need to be repositioned. This is done to normalize the flow of your cerebrospinal fluids. Tissue-release methods, which involve stretching your muscle fibres, tendons, and fascia, may also be implemented by the therapist to relieve pressure from the bones of your head, sacrum, and spinal column.
It’s normal to fall asleep during the therapy, have sensing pulsations, and experience a temporary numbing sensation. However, CST’s main benefit is feeling deep relaxation and managing the symptoms of your condition, if not be gone completely.
Many people get Craniosacral therapy as an additional, if not an alternative, treatment option for a host of musculoskeletal conditions. With considerable scientific evidence available and a very low risk for side effects, Craniosacral therapy is a viable and non-invasive treatment path for people who are averse to prescription medicine.
If you’re looking for the best massage places in Edmonton, then Soul 2 Sole Studio has you covered! Besides CST, we also do deep tissue massage, traditional Thai massage, reflexology, and hot stone massage. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.